Cover Reveal and other things
Well, the cover for Urban Mermaid is available for all to see . . . even though it was revealed 25 hours behind schedule. I was called in to work early Sunday evening and there just wasn’t enough time to put the cover on the Welcome Page and get myself ready for a fun-filled evening. I doubt that very many were disappointed by the delay.
Because of production schedules and the need for a few tweaks, the release date has been pushed back to late October. Some things just can’t be helped.
On other fronts, we’re having a few issues with the domain name – – pointing to the right place. We’re hosted on and all too often, their documentation doesn’t always keep up with changes to their user interface. If you try to pay us a visit and discover that nobody’s home, don’t worry. We haven’t really gone anywhere and will be open for business again in short order.