Penelope’s Last Name
Q: An extensive background check has revealed that Penelope’s last name – Tench – is the same as your mother’s maiden name. What gives? Is there some kind of hidden message here?
A: My mother’s family name comes from a game fish found in the United Kingdom. The Tench fish (Tinca Tinca) has been exported to other countries including the U.S. Since most of the residents of of Colony Island have piscene or aquatic names, Tench was a “gimmie” I could not pass up.
And before you bring it up, Penelope’s cousin – Lindsey Tench – has my mother’s middle and family name. This was intentional and meant to be a shout-out to my late mother.
Whose Arms?
Q: I’ve noticed the description for Peter’s coat of arms looks suspiciously like your own at Isn’t this a bit self-serving?
A: The chapter where this occurs mentioned only Peter’s crest. My editor wanted a bit more descriptive language. This left me with a bit of a dilemma. I could always devise fictitious MacPherson arms for Peter and hope that I was not trespassing upon the armorial rights of my cousins or indeed, any other armiger. My other choice was to use my own arms as a stand-in for Peter’s & try to convince readers that Peter is in no way an extension of myself.
How successful I’ll be, remains to be seen.
Hello world!
Now, before you start carping about the colour combinations and layout of the theme, keep in mind that we’re in the experimental stages here and it will be a while before everything is looking the way we want it. Our launch date is Labour Day weekend.
Come back on Labour Day to see if we’ve gotten it right.